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i only registered just to say a big thank you very much. really liking your bliss builds for the poco f1 however there does seem to be a bit of battery drain with scrims under partial wakelocks. if possible, any chance of adding disable sim cards to bliss? I use dual sim cards but would like to keep one disabled for quite a bit of battery saving when not in the country thats required. also been using your corvus builds but it seems some of the theme overlays are causing issues with substratum Q themes or there is an issue with systemui as there is random soft reboots. ps any chance of some syberiaos builds? :)
been following you since my natrium days, i just want to know if your latest build for the corvus has the same thermal config. with the official one, since its too agressive and i heard that they apply the thermal that came from aex rom. thanx
Please build AOSPA (Paranoid Android) Q for Beryllium. I like you ROM.
Sir can you please make Aosip Derpfest Rom for Poco F1? Thanks!! Update:- TQSM for making DerpFest. Love u 3000! 🥰
Thanks for ur job. Can u support SuperiorOS?